February 13, 2018
Community Safety Talk Feb. 19
Submitted by Human Capital Services-Learning and Development
Randy Myles, community outreach officer for the K-State Police Department, will present a Community Safety Talk on the K-State concealed carry weapons policy from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, Feb. 19, in 401B Hale Library.
Do you know K-State's conceal carry weapons policy? This presentation will help provide the audience an understanding of the university's concealed carry weapons policy by defining the term concealed carry; explaining adequate security measures on campus; and weapon holster and storage requirements and how to handle situations, when firearms are involved.
For questions or additional information, contact Officer Myles at rlmyles@k-state.edu.
There is no charge to participants, but registration is necessary to ensure adequate seating and materials. Participants may register through HRIS Self_Enrollment or by sending an email to learning-develop-hr@k-state.edu. When sending an email, please include your name, department, employee ID number, course title and the course number, SAF100. Supervisors also may send an email to register student employees.