March 5, 2018
Volunteers needed for All-University Open House

Volunteers are needed for K-State's All-University Open House from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 7. The university's largest annual event attracts more than 20,000 people.
All students are welcome and encouraged to volunteer at open house. Volunteers will assist with set up, direct people around campus, answer general K-State questions and enjoy the festivities.
To volunteer, please fill out the online form.
A short volunteer training session will take place at a later date. An email with more information will be sent when this date is finalized. This is a fun and easy way to receive volunteer hours. We always need volunteers for this day and would love all the help that we can get to share our university for a day.
This years theme is "Greetings from K-State" and we want your help to show off our campus and continue the growth of our great university.
Please email Lindsey Solida at with any questions.