March 8, 2018
Associate professor Hunt exhibits '50 Miles of Thunder'

The College of Architecture, Planning & Design, or APDesign, presents the exhibit "50 Miles of Thunder" through April 7 in the Cassias Gallery in Regnier Hall on the K-State campus.
The exhibit, created by associate professor Jon Hunt, is is a series of screen prints and an animation based on regular visits to the Konza Prairie. His personal artistic work explores the notion that repetitive observation of a subject strengthens his focus and understanding of the space between himself and the subject. This work is an exploration of the space "between": the weighted space between a tree canopy and the ground, the hollow space extending between a cuesta and the walking trail, or an overwhelming space between the sky and him.
This work was created through multiple layers. This layering allowed Hunt to connect his spatial understandings to the textural and material qualities in different conditions of light and climate.