March 30, 2018
Arts and Sciences Diversity Series grant applications
The College of Arts and Sciences invites applications for Diversity Lecture Series Grants. Applicants may request funding for speakers to come to K-State in either fall 2018 or spring 2019 semesters. Applications are due April 15.
The grants will provide funding of $500 to $1,000 to host prominent speakers, presenters, or performers. Funding will supplement what each unit or units commit toward the speaker's visit.
The speaker's activities must include a lecture or performance open to the full university community, although this lecture/performance may be aimed either at a general audience or primarily at faculty and students in the speaker's discipline. In all cases, and unless special circumstances emerge, it is expected that speakers have time assigned to meet with undergraduate and/or graduate students. Speakers' activities are expected to be listed in the unit's speaker/performance series and as part of the Arts and Sciences Diversity Series.
Applications from all arts and sciences departments will be considered. When appropriate, partnerships with non-arts and sciences units are encouraged.
Speakers must fall into one or both of these categories:
- Address issues of diversity or multiculturalism in general or in the context of a given discipline or group of disciplines.
- Belong to a group that is underrepresented in that discipline, regardless of the topic of his or her primary talk.
To be eligible, some element of the speaker's visit must directly address diversity in the context of a discipline. Speakers who champion diversity and inclusion in their fields will be given additional preference.
The completed application — not to exceed two pages — should be sent electronically in a single file to, specifying the following:
- Host name(s), affiliated department(s), and contact information.
- Name, affiliation and area of invited speaker.
- Target date for visit.
- Short description of speaker's accomplishments, include CV and/or URL.
- Short description of the diversity/multicultural dimension of the speaker.
- Short description of activities, including importance of visit and benefit to other units.
- Estimated budget, including other funding sources.
Selection criteria include:
- Relevance of speaker as a role-model in his or her discipline.
- Prominence of speaker.
- Relevance of lecture — and other planned activities.
- Distribution of speakers across disciplinary areas.
- Other sources of support.
For more information, please contact