July 19, 2012
Recent news from Research and Extension
Charlotte Shoup Olsen, family studies and human services specialist, was invited to contribute to a national virtual marriage and family issues website. She submitted 13 K-State Research and Extension news releases that were converted to tip sheets.
John R. Ruberson has been named head of K-State’s department of entomology. He has won awards for both teaching and research and has been on the faculty at the University of Georgia’s Department of Entomology since 1994. He will start Aug. 5.
Daniel Y. C. Fung, professor of microbiology, received the 2012 Grocery Manufacturers Association Food Safety Award at the national meeting of the International Association for Food Protection in Providence, R.I.
Nearly 750 youth and chaperones attended the 88th annual Kansas 4-H Discovery Days: Revolution of Responsibility in Manhattan, May 29 through June 1. The event provides youth with a sample of what it is like to go to college and encourages them to explore careers and educational experiences. At the Emerald Circle banquet, 54 members received scholarships totaling $41,150. A nighttime group photo of participants in the shape of the 4-H clover was posted to the Kansas 4-H Facebook page. That photo and more from past years can be found at www.kansas4H.org under the “Discovery Days” link.
Sureemas Nitikanchana, a doctoral student, won the “Best Production Abstract Presentation” for her meta-analysis comparing dry and wet-dry feeders at the International Pig Veterinary Society. She received a sculpture created in the Netherlands at the organization’s congress at Jeju Island, South Korea. Her paper was co-authored with Steve Dritz, Mike Tokach, Bob Goodband, Joel DeRouchey and Jim Nelssen.
Several members of the department of communications and agricultural education participated in the 2012 Association for Communications Excellence annual meeting in Annapolis, Md., in June. Elaine Edwards, who served as president for the past year, moved to past president and was elected treasurer; Jason Ellis, who served on the board of directors, is the new research director. Awards received include: Gold: Pat Melgares and Elaine Edwards, Media Relations Campaign; Silver: Gloria Holcombe, Bob Holcombe, Dan Donnert, Nancy Peterson, Pat Melgares, Mary Lou Peter, Amy Hartman and Nancy Zimmerli-Cates, Special Reports; Bronze: Pat Melgares, Elaine Edwards and Dan Donnert, Writing for Newspapers; Elaine Edwards, Pat Melgares, Janie Dunstan and Dan Donnert, Posters; Deb Pryor and Stacey Warner, Promotional Productions. Presentations were made by: Kris Boone, Lauri Baker, Jason Ellis, Elaine Edwards, Nancy Peterson, Mary Lou Peter, Sarah Hancock, Linda Gilmore, Donna Sheffield, Amy Hartman and Mark Stadtlander.