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  4. »Communication Research Colloquium returns Sept. 19

K-State Today

September 14, 2018

Communication Research Colloquium returns Sept. 19

Submitted by Raluca Cozma

The College of Arts and Sciences' A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications and communication studies department will host the signature collaborative initiative, the Communication Research Colloquium series, this fall with three scheduled research presentations.

Faculty, staff and students interested in communication scholarship are invited to attend the first colloquium from 4-5:15 p.m. Sept. 19, in 106 Kedzie Hall, to listen to two presentations:

  •  "A Case for Leadership Communication." Presenter: Tim Steffensmeier, program director, leadership communication doctoral program

Abstract: The first cohort of students started K-State's leadership communication doctoral program in August 2018. This talk addresses the intellectual underpinnings of the program. Moreover, it holds up the leadership communication program as a case to examine the organizational and political forces that are calling on higher education to adapt.

  • "Freedom of Expression: A Web of Variables." Presenter: Nikhil Moro, director, A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications

Abstract: Journalists who use the web and its component applications, such as Twitter, expose their writings to disputes in which personal jurisdiction, and consequently, laws, doctrines and procedures, can be unpredictable. In the absence of a comprehensive theory of the First Amendment, the costs of jurisdictional unpredictability enable a chilling effect to hinder freedom of expression online. In his colloquium talk, Moro will identify a legal-procedural resolution of the issue, based on First Amendment law and libel disputes, that has appeared in several articles related to his doctoral studies. In doing so, he will describe a few evolving legal concepts critical to journalists, such as libel, actual malice, and fault.

The second colloquium will feature assistant professors Dani LaGree, A.Q. Miller School, and Tim Schaffer, communication studies, on Oct. 24, and a third installment will feature graduate student presentations from both units on Nov. 14. Details will be shared as the presentation dates approach.

The A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications and the communication studies department are both housed in the College of Arts and Sciences.

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