January 2, 2019
Reminder: Register to attend annual Winter Academic Advising Institute
The annual K-State/NACADA Academic Advising Winter Institute is set for noon to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 8, at the Leadership Studies Building.
This year's keynote speaker is Provost and Executive Vice President Charles Taber. The Winter Institute will open with a bring your own brown-bag lunch setting in the McVay Family Town Hall from noon to 1 p.m. for networking time. The institute also will include several special topic sessions organized by members of the campus community covering topics related to working with various student populations on campus, as well as an update regarding the Student Success Task Force work.
The Winter Institute is sponsored by the University Advising Committee and NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising, and is free and open to any member of the K-State community. Please register for the Winter Institute online.
The registration deadline for the Winter Institute is Friday, Jan. 4.
For more information, please contact Brad Cunningham at bradc@k-state.edu or Mary Tolar at mtolar@k-state.edu.