June 18, 2019
Chemotherapy-treated participants needed to study effect on blood vessels
The Integrative Physiology Laboratory in K-State's College of Health and Human Sciences is seeking participants for a study determining the effects of 5-Fluorouracil, or 5-FU, chemotherapy on the small blood vessels in the skin.
Participation requirements include currently receiving or scheduled to receive 5-FU chemotherapy for gastrointestinal, head and/or neck, squamous cell carcinoma, or breast cancer.
The study will include one 90-minute visit to Lafene Health Center's third floor on the K-State Manhattan campus. Participants will be compensated.
For more information, contact Steve Hammond at sthammond1@k-state.edu or 740-202-0300.
This study has been reviewed by the university's Institutional Review Board and received approval No. 9646.