September 18, 2019
University health requirements for students
As a reminder, university health requirements for all students. Failure to complete the following requirements will result in a hold being placed on your KSIS account:
- Completion of Tuberculosis Questionnaire; tuberculosis testing may be required.
- Proof of two MMR vaccinations or a lab report confirming immunity.
- Proof of one Meningococcal ACWY — MCV4, not Meningococcal B — at age 16 years or older for all students residing in university housing.
Visit Lafene Health Center to complete the requirements and get more information. All of the health requirements can be completed through the myLafene+ Patient Portal under "Forms."
If you have questions, please contact Lafene Health Center by logging into the Patient Portal and clicking on the "Messages" tab to send a secure message to a nurse or by calling 785-532-6544 and asking to speak to a nurse.