October 31, 2012
Academic Career Information Center is a tool for enrolling students
As you meet with students to discuss their spring semester enrollment, some may express uncertainty in their future academic and career plans. Some may even experience stress when considering whether or not courses within their current major actually align with their interests, values and abilities. The Academic Career Information Center in 014 Holton Hall is a useful resource for students who need clarity in their decision-making processes regarding academic majors and future careers.
Career specialists are ready to help your students discern which academic major encompasses their needs for a future career. We offer free career assessments at the academic career information center, which will aid in this thought process. If you think your student could use a thorough break down of this decision, encourage them to enroll in our Academic and Career Decisions course, EDCEP 120, available each spring and fall as a one credit-hour class. You are welcome to contact our office by phone at 785-532-7494 or email at acic@k-state.edu with any questions you may have.