May 11, 2011
Head of the class: Construction science faculty member presents at boot camp
Tom Logan has ample experience instructing students. But Logan, associate professor of architectural engineering and construction science, recently had an opportunity to present a different type of crowd -- educational colleagues nationwide. Logan presented at the Mechanical Electrical Academic Consortium's Mechanical and Electrical Faculty Boot Camp, April 4-6, in Omaha, Neb.
The Mechanical Contracting Education and Research Foundation sponsored the camp. The consortium is a faculty group from across the United States that teaches mechanical and electrical systems course work to construction management students.
Faculty Boot Camp was organized to give university faculty throughout the nation a better understanding of all aspects of mechanical and electrical systems instruction. All levels of faculty were in attendance. There were 15 participants from various universities across the United States. Only 20 faculty members are invited to attend yearly. Logan was one of nine instructors for the program.
Logan provided instruction in sizing HVAC ducts and reading and understanding the Psychrometric Chart.
As an instructor and past attendee, Logan believes the experience is beneficial.
"Faculty members are able to increase technical knowledge from industry professionals and other faculty," he said. "An additional benefit is learning new and different approaches to teaching technical course work as well as simply networking with faculty with similar interests from around the U.S."