April 27, 2020
Legleiter presents at CUPA-HR 2020 Virtual Conference
Submitted by Human Capital Services

College and University Professional Association for Human Resources, or CUPA-HR, hosted its first Virtual Conference on April 20-21 to more than 500 participants. This event was precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent cancellation of CUPA-HR's spring conferences.
The two-day conference featured six speakers and among them was Human Capital Services' associate vice president, Shanna Legleiter. She presented on "Navigating Change: A Tool for Conversations Around Change," which is a component of K-State's Managing Change toolkit. In the session, Legleiter offered participants strategies for navigating change with a focus on shared purpose and an eye toward the future. Through engagement with the OBREAU Tripod, participants learned of a mindful approach to change and challenging conversations.
If K-Staters are interested in learning more about this topic, Legleiter is offering a webinar similar to her presentation on May 6 via Zoom. Anyone is welcome to register in HRIS Self-Service or email learning-develop-hr@k-state.edu.