July 1, 2020
Pharmacology/toxicology researcher contributes to new book on pharmacokinetic modeling
Zhoumeng Lin, assistant professor of pharmacology and toxicology in the College of Veterinary Medicine, has co-edited and co-authored five chapters in a recently published book: "Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling: Methods and Applications in Toxicology and Risk Assessment."
"The book presents foundational principles, techniques and applications of PBPK modeling," Lin said. "It includes materials from experts in PBPK modeling who cover topics such as pharmacokinetic principles, PBPK model examples, the application of PBPK models for dose-response and risk assessment and more."
Lin pointed out there are exercises at the ends of the chapters that allow readers to practice and learn the skills associated with PBPK modeling, dose-response, and its applications to safety and risk assessments in the 21st century.
"This is written as a foundational resource that provides practical coverage of PBPK modeling for graduate students, academics, researchers, and more," Lin said. "Our book would be relevant for researchers, postdocs, and graduate students in the fields of toxicology, pharmacology, environmental health, epidemiology and other fields as well as working professionals and consultants, such as those who work in state and federal public health agencies."
Lin's co-editors are Jeffrey W. Fisher, research toxicologist with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, National Center for Toxicological Research, and Jeffery M. Gearhart, senior toxicologist with the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for Military Medicine, working in the United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine. This book is written by a team of PBPK experts from academia, industry and governmental agencies. Lin's lab members, Yi-Hsien Cheng, Wei-Chun Chou, and Miao Li are co-authors of one chapter.