July 14, 2020
Burrack presents online professional development for Kaohsiung Medical University
Submitted by Frederick Burrack
Frederick Burrack, director of assessment, and colleague Ryan Chung from Oklahoma State University presented online training for 60 professors and program directors at Kaohsiung Medical University in Taiwan.
This professional development was a continuation of the training initiated during their visit to Taiwan in May 2019. In the original training at Kaohsiung University, Burrack described the assessment processes currently in place at Kansas State University, its usefulness in program improvement, connections to accreditation, and set in place a three-year project to help Kaohsiung Medical University develop an effective assessment structure and become a model for other universities in Taiwan.
Over the past year, the dental hygiene and nursing programs completed the first step pilot project of defining learning outcomes and creating a curriculum matrix. This session expanded the project on defining assessable criteria, assessment tasks and measures. The pilot also expanded to the following programs: medical examination and biotech; public health; physical therapy; occupational therapy; medical radiation; medical management and information; medical information technology data analysis biomedical and environmental science; biomedical and chemistry; and biotech.
Due to the pandemic and restrictions on travel, Burrack and Chung will virtually present multiple professional development sessions over the coming year to maintain progress on the project. The goal is to produce an effective model of assessment that can be adapted to universities across Taiwan.