July 24, 2020
A summary of university changes related to COVID-19
Submitted by Division of Communications and Marketing
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kansas State University has made several changes to operations. The following is a summary of the changes announced July 20-24.
Read a full list of communications related to COVID-19.
Come back 'Cats.
Updates continue to be posted on the COVID-19 website, which includes guidance and frequently asked questions about the return to university campuses. Guidance and FAQ content that has been added recently includes academic instruction, face covering enforcement, the Recreational Services reopening plan and tuition and fees information.
A two-part Community Action Talk will feature COVID-19 panel discussions.
The next Community Action Talk will be a two-part series covering the many questions, topics and new developments related to COVID-19. Part 1 will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m. Friday, July 24, and will focus on the Manhattan community.
The university has finalized tuition, fees and refund policies for the fall semester.
K-State is keeping tuition flat and the campus privilege fee, academic infrastructure fee and specific college fees also will remain flat. Online fees are being reduced.
Faculty evaluations will proceed as regularly planned.
In a July 22 letter, Provost Chuck Taber provided updates on faculty evaluation processes. Consideration will be given to the unusual circumstances caused by the pandemic.
Recreational Services will begin a phased reopening in August.
Recreational Services facilities, including the administration office and Chester E. Peters Recreation Complex, will reopen on Monday, Aug. 3.
K-Staters can prepare now for returning to campuses.
The Every Wildcat A Wellcat campaign has shared tips to help K-Staters prepare for a safe and healthy fall semester.
Fall term syllabi statements are available.
Deans, department heads, faculty and graduate teaching assistants should review course syllabi information and include mandatory statements in fall course syllabi.
A K-State-led research consortium is using artificial intelligence to find promising drugs for COVID-19 treatment.
The new research consortium focuses on speeding up research for COVID-19 drug treatments. The consortium is making all its findings freely available to researchers worldwide.