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  4. »Human Ecology student film competition offering scholarship prizes

K-State Today

February 18, 2013

Human Ecology student film competition offering scholarship prizes

Submitted by Communications and Marketing

The College of Human Ecology announces a student film competition to celebrate K-State’s 150th birthday. Prizes include $500 scholarships and moments of fame.

Students may enter as individuals or teams in two categories: Human Ecology Past — 1862 to 2010, or Human Ecology Present — after 2010. Individual filmmakers must be enrolled in the college; teams must be affiliated with college groups.

Entry deadline is April 1.

Grand prize winner in each individual category will receive a $500 scholarship. Two finalists will receive $250 scholarships. Team winners will receive $500 for their student group. Finalists will receive $250.

A filmmaking workshop is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 26, in 163 Justin Hall. To register, send email to Cristen Bridegam at cristenb@k-state.edu and write Film Workshop in the message line. Please include your name and major.

Topics will include "How To Pick A Topic and Make It Sing" by Jim Mock, director of video production services in the Division of Communications and Marketing; "How To Make A Video" by Christian Young, producer/director with communications and marketing; "How To Check Out And Use University Equipment" by Skyler Butler with the Media Development Center; and "Uploading Entries — And Other Technical Assistance" by Marin Dowlin, systems administrator, and Brandon Utech, web developer with human ecology.

Films must be between 1 1/2 minutes and 2 1/2 minutes long. Each should offer a compelling message that tells about the college or an element of the college such as individuals, classes, research, student groups, departments, programs, events or activities.

Winners will be announced at Human Ecology Movie Night on April 16. Students will vote on the Students Choice award. The winner will receive an engraved trophy.

Films will be shown on the college website and at the All-University Open House on April 20.

Entry forms and rules are available in Justin 100 or at www.he.ksu.edu/150/filmcontest.

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