February 16, 2021
Thursday @ 3: Combating loneliness & social isolation
Submitted by Center for Student Involvement
Staying connected, engaged and involved during a global pandemic can be challenging. It only makes sense that you might experience feelings of loneliness and periods of social isolation. Join the Center for Student Involvement as we explore strategies for combating those feelings and experiences, including ways to stay connected to friends, family and community groups.
Combating Loneliness & Social Isolation will take place 3-4 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18.
Login to OrgCentral to access the virtual event information.
This workshop is a part of the Thursdays @ 3 leadership development series hosted by the Center for Student Involvement. Each week, on Thursdays at 3 p.m., we explore leadership topics in a virtual workshop open to all K-State students. Learn more about the series and check for upcoming workshops on the Resources for Student Organizations portal in OrgCentral.
Can't join us this week? A recording of this session will be made available on the Center for Student Involvement's YouTube channel.