March 16, 2021
University continues to encourage K-Staters to receive COVID-19 vaccines
Submitted by Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University continues to encourage faculty, staff and students to receive COVID-19 vaccines as they become available.
Vaccines are being distributed by multiple programs at the federal, state and county level. The university's guidance continues to be to register through your county of residence as well as Lafene Health Center or seek appointments for the vaccine through your local pharmacies and health care providers. You are encouraged to register now, regardless of the current phase of distribution, and should receive the vaccine from the first provider that contacts you.
Find more information about COVID-19 response and vaccine distribution in the following counties:
Riley County
Geary County
Pottawatomie County
Saline County
Johnson County
More information about the COVID-19 vaccine and a list of frequently asked questions can be found on the K-State COVID-19 vaccine information website.