March 17, 2021
Gender, women, and sexuality studies professor authors book, article
Submitted by Marion Schweitzer
Harlan Weaver, associate professor of gender, women, and sexuality studies, recently published a book, "Bad Dog: Pit Bull Politics and Multispecies Justice," University of Washington Press, March 2020.
Taking up discourses involving pit bulls and animal shelters through the lens of what Weaver terms "interspecies intersectionality" — the ways that relationships between humans and non-human animals not only reflect but also shape experiences of race, gender, sexuality, nation, species, colonialism and breed — "Bad Dog" argues for a justice that challenges the white saviorism of much animal "rescue" and upsets logics that join racial Otherness with animality by thinking marginalized humans and non-human animals together.
Weaver also recently published a piece, "A Love Letter to the Future (from the Surgical Team of the Trans Sciences Collective)" speculating the possibilities of trans:health in a post-COVID future.