October 27, 2021
More than 200 high school students return to campus for K-State Theatre's Workshop Day
Submitted by Jerry Jay Cranford

The K-State theatre program and the K-State Theatre Organization are hosting in-person workshops for the 2021 High School Theatre Workshop Day, today, Wednesday, Oct. 27.
The attendees will work with faculty and K-State theatre students during a variety of workshops in lighting, improvisation, stage movement, scenic painting, Shakespeare, musical theatre history, musical theatre movement, vocal expression, puppetry, creating fantasy hairpieces, horror in theatre and film, and more.
The students will then attend the final dress rehearsal of the upcoming production of "Frankenstein," which runs from Thursday, Oct. 28 through Sunday, Nov. 7.
After being canceled last fall due to the pandemic, students and faculty are excited to welcome these future artists to our campus.