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  4. »Interviews for Western Kansas Research and Extension Department Head Candidates

KSRE Tuesday Letter

April 12, 2022

Interviews for Western Kansas Research and Extension Department Head Candidates

Submitted by Susan Schiff

The College of Agriculture/K-State Research and Extension began interviews for candidates for the Department Head for Western Kansas Research and Extension Centers. Candidate materials are available at https://www.ag.k-state.edu/about/faculty-staff-resources/open_candidate_searches/.

Candidates present a seminar on their “Vision for the Western Kansas Research and Extension Centers.” The seminars are being recorded.

Glenn Duff, Ph.D., professor and superintendent at Clayton Livestock Research Center, New Mexico State University, gave his seminar on Monday, April 4.

Scott Lake, Ph.D., professor, beef extension specialist and director of the Laramie R&E Center, University of Wyoming, will give his seminar on Monday, April 18, at 2 p.m. The zoom link was sent by calendar invitation.

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From the Director for Extension
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