December 15, 2022
Choosing Wisely

As we keep moving Kansas 4-H forward, we are doing exactly what Walt Disney said, “…opening new doors, and doing new things because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
Two things in this month’s TipSheet fall under the “opening new doors” concept. The first is the 2022-2023 4-H year master calendar. While this concept is not new, it is something the system has wanted for a few years and has not received. A big thank you to the state and regional 4-H professionals for their hard work in getting this put together. If you see things missing that need to be included, please let us know. This will continue to be a work in progress and we will continue to add dates as things are scheduled.
The second item is the 2023 Discovery Days 100th-anniversary celebration! You will notice that the dates for this event fall a little later than they have in the past. This will provide us the opportunity to not compete for the space we need for a successful event and hopefully allow us to have better housing accommodations and networking opportunities with colleges and departments throughout the Kansas State University campuses. Change is not always a favorite topic, but it provides us with opportunities and new paths we can take. Karen Kaiser Clark said, “Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.” Growth is uncomfortable but necessary. As we move forward, let’s make the wise choice to grow with any change that comes our way.
Finally, as we close out the 2022 calendar year, take time to enjoy the holidays. Spend time with family and friends. Re-energize. Fill your bucket. Get some much-deserved rest. The year 2023 is going to bring its own set of challenges and growth opportunities that we do not even know yet. Let’s take this time to reflect on the accomplishments of 2022 and embrace what will come in 2023. Happy Holidays!