February 10, 2023
Reminder: KAWSE ADVANCE Distinguished Lecture Series Award applications due Feb. 14
The applications for the ADVANCE Distinguished Lecture Series for tenured associate professors in the colleges of Agriculture and Arts and Sciences are due Feb. 14. Associate professors in the colleges of Engineering, Veterinary Medicine and Architecture, Planning & Design are also eligible.
Thanks to additional support from the deans of the colleges of Agriculture and Arts and Sciences, tenured associate professors in these colleges can apply for up to $1,200 to make new professional connections. These colleagues may become valuable mentors who can provide advice about transitioning from assistant to associate professor. They may also become new research collaborators and serve as outside references for applications for promotion to full professor. The request for proposals, application form, eligible departments and more can be found on the KAWSE website.
Please direct any questions and send application materials to kawse@k-state.edu.