June 12, 2013
Office 365: New email system update
Submitted by Information Technology Services
Kansas State University has signed a contract with Microsoft, which provides Microsoft's Office 365 services. The goal of Information Technology Services, or ITS, with assistance from system administrators across campus, is to seamlessly migrate K-Staters to Office 365 over the summer.
Office 365 includes hosted email and calendaring that can be accessed from a user's PC, phone or Web browser. Our users will have a default mailbox size of 25GB. We are moving to Office 365 to improve the reliability and availability of our email service.
A project plan has been developed and we are currently in the testing phase of the plan. An implementation team and steering committee have been meeting and testing migration, authentication and security. The system administrators from across campus are heavily involved in testing the system and providing solutions to migration issues.
An overview of the email and calendaring functions in Office 365 is available online.
Project information will be posted at k-state.edu/its/office365.