June 25, 2013
Highlights from the June 5 Classified Senate meeting
Here are the highlights from the June 5 Classified Senate meeting. A draft of the meeting minutes is available online.
The following were installed as officers for the 2013-2014 term: Janice Taggart, president; Kerry Jennings, vice president; Susan Erichsen, secretary; Annette Hernandez, treasurer; Michele Edwards, as the at-large representative; and Rob Reves, parliamentarian. New members serving three-year terms are Brian Sheaves, Jen Schlegel, Amy Capoun, Brittany Green, Michael Seymour II, Karla Quick.
Gary Leitnaker reported that the alternative service meetings have been completed. The committee is considering the feedback and will be updating the white papers accordingly. The group has also met with President Schulz to update him. Human resources is working on updating the employee handbook in order for employees to understand how the vote will affect them. The book should be done in early July and distributed in September. Informational meetings will be in November with President Schulz; each of these meetings will be streamed for employees who cannot be there in person. Election will be the week prior to Thanksgiving.
Dale Billam reported in 2002 there were 1,564 full-time classified employees serving 22,762 students; in 2012 there were 1,404 staff serving 24,378 students, which means there are 160 fewer support staff. This represents a decrease of 10 percent of classified staff and an increase of 7 percent in students, putting us 17 percent in the negative.