June 28, 2013
Flow Cytometry Core open house 1-3:30 p.m. Friday in Mosier Hall
The Flow Cytometry Core is having an open house from 1-3:30 p.m. Friday, June 28 in K208 Mosier Hall.
The Flow Cytometry Core has recently undergone an expansion process that includes the acquisition of new instruments and the development of educational services for all users at K-State. Our open house gived clients an opportunity to observe and ask questions about these expanded services.
Flow cytometry is a high throughput technique that is used to examine or sort microparticles based on characteristics such as size, biomarker expression, DNA content or cellular processes. During the flow cytometry process, single cell suspensions undergo hydrodynamic focusing before being passed through laser beams, where fluorescent probes bound to the individual cells are excited to emit energy, which is then collected by a series of detectors. These energy pulses are then converted to digitalized outputs that provide information at both the population and single-cell level. Flow cytometry has been used extensively in numerous biological disciplines, including cell biology, immunology, biochemistry, plant biology and marine biology. Historically, it has also been utilized in the clinical setting to diagnose diseases such as blood cancers, immune deficiency and autoimmunity.
The Flow Cytometry Core will demonstrate its new instruments and services at our open house. We are also interested in learning how we can facilitate research at K-State, so please stop by and tell us what how we can apply flow cytometry technology to help you.
Refreshments and snacks will also be provided.