July 10, 2013
Wrap up on Alternative Service Committee discussion groups
Submitted by Alternative Service Committee
During April and May the Alternative Service Committee has 15 open discussion groups for classified employees. The classified employees provided valuable feedback and input for the drafted white papers for a new system of employment administration at Kansas State University, known as university support staff under the provision of Statute 76-715a.
The feedback and input was tremendous and is currently being reviewed by the committee to revise the drafted white papers. The revised white papers will then be given to administration in July or early August for review.
In August, an announcement will be released detailing the vote in November for classified employees regarding university support staff. Additionally in August, the university support staff employee handbook will be completed and posted on the committee's website for classified employees to view.
Before the vote in November, President Schulz will conduct four town hall meetings which are tentatively scheduled for Nov. 4 and 15 that will also be available via live streaming, to address classified employees on his commitment to university support staff.
The Alternative Service Committee would like to thank everyone who participated in the discussion groups.