August 20, 2013
Highlights from the Aug. 7 Classified Senate meeting
Here are the highlights from the Aug. 7 Classified Senate meeting. A draft of the meeting minutes is available online.
President Janice Taggart reported Emporia State University is the lead Classified and Support Staff Counci institution this year, but due to officer turnover is unable to handle the annual meeting. Other options are being discussed on where to hold the meeting.
She is still pursuing a replacement for the local agencies classified senator.
John Wolf and Lindsay Thompson will serve on the 2025 Sustainability Committee.
Gary Leitnaker reported Char Shropshire has been out of the office since June and if you have employee relations issues contact Gary or another human resources staff member. Suggestion Award applications are going to the committee to review for approval within the next couple of weeks.
He also reported the state will be implementing new performance evaluation forms. Human resources staff will begin training in September. The Policies and Procedures Manual is being revised to clarify instructions on disciplinary measures as they pertain to evaluation rankings.
Campus Affairs Committee — Carol Marden reported when the gift catalog comes out later this week she will pick out items to be given out at the Senate's booth during the Benefits Expo. The list of items will be emailed to the Classified Senate for a vote. She also reported the website is ready to go live unless anyone has changes that need to be made.
Legislative Affairs Committee — Lesa Reves reported the position paper for Kansas State University is under consideration. The senate bylaws are being reviewed and highlighted for changes that will need to be made if we go to alternative service. She also suggested adding to the bylaws a set timeline for replacing senators that leave their term before it expires.
Regarding the employee suggestion form, Mike Seymour stated it would help simplify the process if the form could be filled out and submitted electronically along with attachments as needed. Then a confirmation of submission should be sent.
Carol Marden stated that as a result of the open discussion meetings by the Alternative Service Committee, a transition plan white paper has been drafted. A copy of the draft was handed out to each of the Senators to provide feedback to her of any changes that need to be made.
Carol also confirmed that the outcome of the election will be based on a majority of votes cast by classified employees. The official election notice will come from university administration. There will be a set time after the vote for employees to provide input regarding the outcome before any changes goes to Kansas Board of Regents for approval.