October 10, 2013
Leadership studies hosts Becky Sullivan for '#LeadershipAsAnAdult' presentation Oct. 17

The School of Leadership Studies will host 2011 K-State graduate Becky Sullivan as part of the Leadership Alumni Speaker Series at 4 p.m. Thursday, October 17 in Town Hall of the Leadership Studies Building.
Sullivan just completed more than two years of employment with the Kansas Department of Agriculture and is beginning a career as a senior marketing associate with Elanco Animal Health in Greenfield, Ind. Sullivan's interactive presentation, "#LeadershipAsAnAdult," will discuss key parts of leadership, such as building team rapport, expectation management, and execution of a project. The presentation is open to the K-State campus and community.
Sullivan earned a bachelor's in agricultural communications and journalism with a minor in leadership studies. While at K-State, she was actively involved in the Academic Mentor program, Blue Key, Student Alumni Board, Student Foundation, K-State Proud, College of Agriculture Ambassadors, K-State Forensics and the National FFA Organization. Sullivan is a current member of the School of Leadership Studies Alumni Board.