October 6, 2014
Social Media Round Table group meets Thursday
Submitted by Sheila Ellis-Glasper
Learn more about the ever-changing world of social media and connect with other communicators across campus using social media to promote their college, department or program.
The Social Media Round Table group will meet at 11 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 9, in the Hemisphere Room on the fifth floor of Hale Library. The topic of the discussion will be #Hashtag 101. We will explore the best practices of hashtag use across social media channels. We will answer any social media-related questions and have open discussion as time allows.
Take advantage of the round table connections you've made with other social media administrators by joining our LinkedIn group, K-State Social Media Round Table. We invite you to start discussions, post helpful resources, or share your thoughts about social media efforts.
Please contact Sheila Ellis-Glasper with questions at socialmedia@k-state.edu or 785-532-1545.