October 29, 2014
International Education Conference in Tucson
Submitted by Sara Thurston-Gonzalez
Numerous staff in the Office of International Programs attended the recent NAFSA: Association of International Educators regional conference Oct. 14-17 in Tucson, Arizona. The following made presentations:
Stacey Bailey, assistant director, international student and scholar services, presented "Where to draw the line in the gray? Panel discussion with DSOs/International Advisors."
Maria Beebe, associate director, international student and scholar services, and Sara Thurston-González, director, international student and scholar services, lead "Book Discussion: 'China in Ten Words' by Yu Hua."
Caitlin Kelley and Mary Parson, international recruiters, international admissions and recruiting, presented "Armchair Recruitment Phase One: Developing Effective Publications."
Thurston-González also lead "Film Screening: 'Imported from China' and Discussion."
Additionally, Beebe was assuming the role of chair elect of the region and Bailey as the Kansas representative.