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K-State Today Student Edition

January 20, 2015

Compare textbook prices

Submitted by Audrey Taggart-Kagdis

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The K-State Campus Store provides students with a textbook search and price comparison service that is easy-to-use, comprehensive and objective. Search multiple local and online bookstores and publishers to find the best pricing on new, used, rental and digital book options.

When students buy directly from the official K-State bookstore, they are sure to get the correct book and course materials, free in-store pickup and easy returns. Students should watch out for international and instructor editions from Amazon and Half. These editions are not legal for resale or buyback at the end of the term. The store advises students to be extra aware from whom they purchase course material.

Connect directly to the K-State Campus Store book search tool here or contact the store with questions at 785-532-6583.

In this issue

From the Kansas Board of Regents
News and research
Health and safety
From the vice president for research
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
Personnel changes
Human resources and benefits
Newsletters, magazines and blogs