February 5, 2015
Union Program Council presents 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Desserts'
Dear Muggles,
You have been invited to attend a night of witchcraft and wizardry with Union Program Council's "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Desserts."
The evening will start promptly at 7 p.m. and end accordingly at 9:30 p.m. on Feb. 7 in the Great Room at Hale Library. Please pick up your ticket for the event in the Union Program Council's office on the third floor of the K-State Student Union. The tickets are $5 for K-State students and $7 for those who reside elsewhere.
Yours sincerely,
Abigail Krstulic and Julie Boyer, co-headmistress' of the Union Program Council's Committee of the Dark Arts
For additional information on this event or for a complete list of all activities, visit k-state.edu/upc or call the Union Program Council office at 785-532-6571.