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  4. »Participants needed for a cake taste test April 14

K-State Today

April 14, 2015

Participants needed for a cake taste test April 14

Submitted by Orelia Dann

A cake consumer taste test will be from 12:30-4 p.m. Tuesday, April 14, in 2002 Throckmorton Hall.

We are currently seeking volunteers for a consumer sensory study of cakes formulated with reduced-calorie sweeteners. You will be asked to rate your preference for the flavor and texture of three cake samples, as well as fill out a short questionnaire.

Participants who complete the test will receive a coupon for a free scoop of ice cream at Call Hall. Yes, you can have your cake and get your ice cream, too — just not simultaneously.

The test should last around 20-30 minutes. Please drop by 2002 Throckmorton Hall during the hours specified to volunteer. If you have any questions, please contact Orelia Dann at oedann@k-state.edu. Thank you.

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