May 7, 2015
Fulbright visiting scholar Mark Boland to present lecture as part of Oz to Oz program

Mark Boland, a 2014-15 Fulbright visiting scholar, will present "Blinded by the Light: Science and Art at the Australian Synchrotron" as part of the Oz to Oz program at 4:30 p.m. Monday, May 11, in 145 Cardwell Hall.
Boland is associate professor and principal accelerator physicist at the Australian Synchrotron and principal fellow at the University of Melbourne. His research is on building experimental facilities for time resolved measurements including low emittance storage rings, high gradient linacs and free electrons lasers. Having lived across the U.S., Europe and Asia, he also is heavily involved in the organizing committees for the International Particle Accelerator Conference and the International Beam Instrumentation Conference series, which rotate through these three regions.
Boland was awarded a 2014 Fulbright Professional Scholarship in Nuclear Science and Technology to conduct research at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory at Stanford University. The prestigious Fulbright program is the largest educational scholarship of its kind, and was created by U.S. Sen. J. William Fulbright and the U.S. government in 1946. With the goal of promoting mutual understanding through educational exchange, it operates between the U.S. and 155 countries.
Oz to Oz is building connections between Australia and Kansas. The program sends faculty between Kansas State University and Australia to share their perspectives and knowledge by serving as seminar speakers. These scholars will build and develop partnerships and friendships through mutual understanding and education and cultural exchanges.