May 13, 2015
Advising institute registration deadline is May 15
The registration deadline for this year's K-State/National Academic Advising Association Summer Undergraduate Academic Advising Institute is 4:30 p.m. Friday, May 15.
Please consider joining the more than 100 K-State faculty, staff and administration members who will gather in the Leadership Studies Building on May 20-21. Participants will have the opportunity to attend breakout sessions and poster displays; a talk by Don Saucier, K-State's 2015-16 Coffman Chair; a special presentation on newly developed student success programs and advising model at K-State Salina; and two keynote addresses by Ruth Darling from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and by Shane Lopez, Gallup senior scientist and fellow of the American Psychological Association.
Last but not least, don't forget the proverbial free lunch — and breakfasts, too. There is no cost for participation; all members of the K-State community are welcome. About 1,300 K-Staters are in the advising role in KSIS — this institute is for you.
For more information, contact Steve Dandaneau at 785-532-1097 or Carla Jones 785-532-7305, the co-chairs of the University Advising Committee.