August 31, 2015
K-State Libraries accepting applications for student ambassadors through Sept. 3
Submitted by Sarah McGreer Hoyt

All students — whether first-year undergrads or doctoral candidates — are invited to become part of a select group that works to elevate K-State Libraries' outreach and impact.
K-State Libraries Student Ambassadors serve two-year terms as advocates and representatives at social, cultural and recruitment activities. They also provide valuable feedback on K-State Libraries' initiatives and services.
Applications are due by Sept. 3. Interviews will be conducted on Sept. 11. Learn more and apply online.
"Since the ambassadors' inaugural season in 2013, they've become a critical part of how we host events and conduct discussions about the Libraries' goals for the future," said Darchelle Martin, one of K-State Libraries Ambassador sponsors. "Selecting more ambassadors from all walks of life and areas of study means that we will be able to promote K-State Libraries even more effectively."