October 5, 2015
Reminder: The Office of the Vice President for Research seeks applications for the Water Seed Grant Program
The Office of the Vice President for Research is inviting proposals from interdisciplinary research teams related to issues either in the urban-rural water interface or the National Science Foundation's Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems, or INFEWS, initiative.
The Water Seed Grant Program will fund one interdisciplinary research award of up to $90,000 and up to three team development awards with budgets up to $9,700 for groups to prepare for larger interdisciplinary water submissions to external funders. All funded projects are expected to result in the development or strengthening of research teams and the submission of water/INFEWS proposals to external funders.
Applications are due Oct. 16. Read program details and submission requirements. Contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at orsp@k-state.edu with questions.