October 28, 2015
Working with advisors: Good communication practices are your path to success
The Graduate School invites all graduate students to attend a session from 2-4 p.m. Oct. 29 in the Big 12 Room at the K-State Student Union.
Graduate students and faculty advisors share common goals for student success. Clear and frequent communication from both parties is essential for successfully achieving those goals. In this session, learn how to map your path to success by working with your advisor to establish expectations, build and maintain strong communication with your advisor, and use strategies for addressing disagreements before they take your journey on an unexpected detour.
Presentations will be by Michael Herman, Graduate School associate dean, and Tonya Ricklefs, Riley Geary mediation program coordinator.
The Graduate School team strives to support graduate students throughout their time at K-State. The Graduate School offers seminars and workshops to help students understand important requirements, deadlines and procedures and to make the journey to degree completion as smooth as possible.
Refer to the Graduate Student Life website to learn more about graduate student events.