November 17, 2015
K-State KNEA-SP teaches Polar Express in schools, volunteers needed
Every year K-State Kansas National Education Association Student Program, or KNEA-SP, goes to local elementary and middle schools to do Polar Express activities. This year we have an overwhelming amount of teachers looking for us to come to their classroom, so we need help from you.
In the classrooms we will read Polar Express and do an activity with the students. This is a perfect opportunity to gain experience in the classrooms and to get an hour of service to youth and families for each classroom you go to!
Polar Express will be Dec. 1 and Dec. 2. On the Google Docs you can sign up for as many times as you would like. We ask that you arrive 15 minutes before the class is expecting us in order to get everything organized and ready for the students. Please double check your calendar before signing up and then make note of the time(s) you sign up for. It is important that you show up on time to the classroom(s) you signed up for. The students, teachers, principals and KNEA-SP are all counting on you to be there!
Google Doc for Lee Elementary — Dec. 1 is on the first sheet of the document and Dec. 2 is on the second sheet of the document.
Google Doc for Eisenhower Middle School on Dec. 1
Google Doc for Anthony Middle School on Dec. 1.
We are looking forward to seeing you at Polar Express. If you have any questions, please email Megan Mellring at or Andrea Fournier at
If you would like to stay up to date with our events and other volunteer opportunities, please find us on social media:
- Facebook: K-State KNEA-SP
- Twitter: @KStateKNEASP