February 26, 2016
Union Program Council presents an African‐style Cirque du Soleil

"America's Got Talent" finalist Cirque Zuma Zuma comes to McCain Auditorium at 6 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 28.
Known as the "ultimate African circus," the show is filled with nonstop action and African culture, including dance, acrobatics, tumbling and music. Cirque Zuma Zuma features disciplined performers who are trained in Kenya and Tanzania. Many describe it as an African‐style Cirque du Soleil; such is the standard of the performers and the quality of the show. The Union Program Council sponsored performance showcases an array of never before seen talents mixed with some of the best skills associated with African variety arts.
Cirque Zuma Zuma combines the mysticism of Africa with the excitement of a theatrical cirque performance. With live music and percussionists, the talented cast performs an action‐packed show of pole and aerial acts, Egyptian limbo dances, South African gumboot dances, Gabonese tumbling and South African contortionist feats which will keep the audience breathless.
Free tickets are available from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Feb. 24-25, at the McCain Box Office. For more information about UPC and its events, visit k-state.edu/upc or call 785-532-6571.