April 22, 2016
Letter from the V.P. for Student Life and Dean of Students Pat Bosco

Dear K-State students, faculty and staff,
The K-State family must continue to act together to make sure everyone is safe, respected and supported. We all share in the collective responsibility to report and respond to incidents of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and harassment.
Recently, there has been heightened awareness surrounding these issues nationwide. They are serious and must be addressed.
At K-State, we have taken many steps to educate the university community about prevention, how to respond, and the many resources available to students and employees. Please know that it is also my personal commitment to ensure we do everything we can under the law and university policy to investigate any reported acts of sexual violence. We take these situations seriously and are tireless in helping and supporting my students. However, when we receive a report, we also are committed to maintaining confidentiality to protect those involved. This means we will not comment publicly about sexual assault cases or respond to claims made in the media.
If you, or someone you know, have experienced sexual violence, please let us know. A wide array of support services are available for our students and employees. Confidential, caring help is not far away.
The K-State Center for Advocacy Response and Education, or CARE, offers confidential advocacy and support services to any member of the K-State community who has experienced sexual assault, dating violence, stalking or harassment. The CARE office is a safe place for survivors to explore their options, receive support from trained advocates and obtain referrals to other campus and community resources. Contact the office at 785-532-6444 or www.k-state.edu/care.
K-State Counseling Services and the K-State Family Center also offer confidential therapeutic support. Contact K-State Counseling Services at 785-532-6927 or www.k-state.edu/counseling; and the K-State Family Center at 785-532-6974 or www.he.k-state.edu/familycenter.
There are no easy answers to these difficult issues, but we must not waver in our efforts to keep each other safe. The K-State family is built on a foundation of respect for each other. Please help us in this important endeavor.
Pat Bosco
Vice president for student life and dean of students