August 23, 2017
Looking for a part-time job? Attend the Part-Time Opportunities Fair tomorrow
Students are encouraged to attend the Part-Time Opportunities Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 24 in the K-State Student Union Ballroom. The annual fair allows students to visit with representatives and community employers who are hiring for part-time jobs, internship positions and volunteer opportunities.
K-State Strengths Advocates will sponsor the hospitality area where students can take a break during the fair to enjoy snacks and beverages while learning about various K-State StrengthsQuest opportunities.
Students should dress in business casual attire, bring multiple copies of their resume and their student ID. This event is a great way for students to network with employers for future full-time employment.
For more information, visit the Career Center website.
The Career Center, located in the Berney Family Welcome Center, provides career advising, training, employment connections and resources to K-State students, alumni, faculty, administration, employers and members of the community.