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K-State Today

March 15, 2018

Historic Costume and Textiles Museum announces spring events

Submitted by College of Human Ecology

The Historic Costume and Textiles Museum, located in the College of Human Ecology, will host lectures and exhibits throughout the spring semester. 

The following events are open to the public.

  • Marla Day, senior curator, will present as part of the three-part series looking back at Riley County and Manhattan during the pivotal period of the 1880s. She will present "Bonnets, Bustles and Boot Straps: Fashion of the 1880s" along with Linda Glasgow, Riley County Historical Museum Archivist, who will describe downtown Manhattan of the 1880s, at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 15, at the Manhattan Public Library.
  • "Made by Hand: A Woman's Journey Expressed through Fiber" will run April 7-May 12 at the Manhattan Arts Center. The work of two female fiber artists is featured and how each manipulates fibers to embed their creations with meaning and explores feminine identity.
  • Meet internationally known fiber artist Anita Luvera Mayer as she shares her knowledge and excitement of textiles and handwork. She will delight you with her fabulous creations that employ textile techniques that she has gleaned from around the globe. All items will be for sale and Mayer will help you find the perfect addition to your wardrobe. A trunk show with Mayer will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 13 in the Wildcat Den at the K-State Alumni Center. A second show will be from noon to 4 p.m. April 14 at the Manhattan Arts Center. Both events are free. Mayer's trunk show will run April 15-May 12 at the Manhattan Arts Center.

For more information, visit the Historic Costume and Textiles Museum's Facebook page or contact Day at mday@k-state.edu

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