March 16, 2018
Become a Relevate team member
Relevate is looking to add to its team of scholars — students, faculty, staff — who are passionate about public scholarship.
Relevate is an interdisciplinary team of marriage and family therapists, computer engineers, marketing specialists, relationship scholars and educators and young adults who are passionate about improving the health of individuals and relationships everywhere. Its aim is to fuse technology and scientific discovery to elevate the lives of people across the world on their journey in and between all forms of relationships.
MyRelevate is a mobile platform for relationship scholars and practitioners to directly share their research and theory-driven insights with people seeking resources for making their relationship goals a reality.
Relevate is currently looking for students, faculty, or staff who share the passion for healthy relationships to join the events committee, content creation committee and digital media committee. If you are interested in joining the Relevate team as an officer please fill out a Qualtrics survey.
Questions regarding the application can be sent to or find more information on Relevate's Facebook.