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  4. »Meat Science Association to host student barbecue contest

K-State Today Student Edition

April 2, 2018

Meat Science Association to host student barbecue contest

Submitted by Lauren Prill

The Meat Science Association will host the fifth annual student barbecue contest Friday, April 6, and Saturday, April 7, in the Weber Hall parking lot. 

Students can win trophies and other prizes. This is a great opportunity to practice your cooking skills and have fun with friends. Each team should consist of three to six people. Registration includes a breakfast the morning of, charcoal and the meat to prepare.

A short meeting will take place in the evening on Friday, April 6, for students to learn more about food safety, meat cookery and prepare any products before the contest.

Teams will prepare chicken thighs, pork loin and beef tri-tip, and present their creations to a panel of Kansas City barbecue sanctioned judges and alumni.

Teams must sign up immediately to guarantee a spot. For additional information, stop in 216 Weber Hall or contact awhobson@k-state.edu or 785-532-1269. 

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