April 10, 2018
Legislative update
The Kansas Legislature adjourned in the early morning hours of Sunday, April 8. Before adjourning the regular 2018 session a $535 million new school finance plan was passed and sent to the governor. The Kansas attorney general must file briefs with the Kansas Supreme Court in the school finance case on or before April 30. The court will hear oral arguments in the case on May 22.
The Legislature returns for the veto session on April 26. The 90th legislative day and Sine Die are both on Friday, May 4. The Kansas Consensus Estimating Group will meet on April 20 to update the state revenue estimate made in November 2017.
The Legislature did not address the supplemental appropriations bills for changes to the fiscal year 2019 budget prior to first adjournment. The budget will be considered in the Omnibus spending bill when the Legislature returns. A number of bills are still pending before the Legislature. A list of bills pertaining to higher education and Kansas State University can be found on the government relations website.
The Office of Governmental Relations will host a Kansas Legislative Review Session from noon to 1 p.m. on April 13 in the K-State Student Union's Bluemont Room. This session is open to all K-State faculty, staff and students; feel free to bring a brown-bag lunch.
The next Legislative update will be published in K-State Today on May 1.