August 13, 2012
Alpha Gamma Rho members receive top undergraduate award
Logan Britton, senior in agricultural communications and journalism and agricultural economics, Bartlett, and Reagan Kays, junior in agri-business, Weir, both members of the Alpha Zeta chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho at Kansas State University, have received the fraternity's 2012 Undergraduate Achievement Award. This is the highest honor that any undergraduate can receive from the fraternity.
The National Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity presents the annual award to members who excel in scholarship, leadership, citizenship, activities and fraternal involvement. It is only awarded to two undergraduate members. Britton and Kays also received a $1,000 scholarship for their involvement in the fraternity.
Britton is vice president for membership development of Alpha Gamma Rho. He is also involved in College of Agriculture Ambassadors, Alpha Zeta Agriculture Honorary and Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow, as well as serves as the vice president of the College of Agriculture student council. After graduation, Britton plans to work in marketing and advertising for agricultural companies, followed by obtaining his doctorate and becoming an administrator of an agricultural college.
Kays is also working toward minors in animal sciences and leadership studies. He is vice president for alumni relations of Alpha Gamma Rho and a College of Agriculture student senator. He is involved in College of Agriculture Ambassadors, Food for Thought advocacy group, KSU Student Foundation, Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Club and Collegiate Farm Bureau. Following graduation, Kays plans to serve in the Peace Corps in South America. He hopes to obtain a food and agriculture law degree from the University of Arkansas.
Alpha Gamma Rho is a social and professional agricultural fraternity with 70 chapters and one colony nationwide at universities across the nation. It has more than 60,000 undergraduate and alumni members worldwide.