August 31, 2018
Participants needed for nutrition research study
Researchers in the food, nutrition, dietetics and health department need participants for a nutrition study. Eligible participants must be healthy adults, able to fast for 10 hours overnight, and available for appointments on weekday mornings.
The study involves coming to a lab for four visits. At each visit participants will be asked to consume either a shake, or white bread, and fill out surveys. Participants will remain in the lab for approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes per visit while researchers monitor metabolic response via a finger stick. A DEXA scan will be conducted at the final visit.
Participants will receive free food, a free DEXA scan, and $80 upon completion of the study. While in the lab, participants can be on a computer, read, work on homework, etc.
Email Kelsey Casey at for more information.
This study has been reviewed by the Institutional Review Board and received approval No. 8989.