October 10, 2018
Clifton Strengths: Learn about yourself and others
Clifton Strengths is a great way for students and faculty to learn about themselves as well as others. Strengths focuses on what makes people unique by identifying their strengths and how they can apply them to the real world.
Students and faculty can take the Strengths assessment by using the access code provided to them by the university in their KSIS account. After taking the test, you will receive a list of your Top 5 Strengths and how they are a strength to you. Knowing what you are good at as well as what the people around you are good at can increase teamwork and communication in many settings. Strengths is used all over the world to help businesses engage their employers and help with their overall production. K-State mainly uses it to help students find what they are good at, develop leaders, and help students maximize their natural talents to be academically successful.
Strengths also provides peer coaching for students. You can meet one-on-one with a peer coach who is trained to help you maximize your natural talents so you can reach your full potential during your time at K-State. The peer coach also will help you with future planning and how to use your strengths in your future career and beyond. It is a great opportunity for self-development and gaining insight on how to be the best version of yourself. You can meet with your peer coach whenever it is convenient for you. Peer coaching is completely free and structured around your goals. You can get a peer coach by emailing at strengths@k-state.edu or by visiting K-State's Clifton Strengths website.